

Dictionary index


The destratification of air layers in a heated room equalises temperature differences in the room. Particularly in high halls or rooms with insufficient air circulation, warm air can accumulate on the ceiling while the colder air remains near the floor.

Ceiling fans (HVLS fans), for example, can be used to promote destratification. These push the warm air down from the ceiling and improve air circulation in the room. Destratification increases comfort in the room. As less energy is required to bring the room to a comfortable temperature, energy efficiency is increased.


Decarbonisation of heating refers to the process of reducing or at best eliminating CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases produced by heating systems. This is done, for example, by switching from fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal) to renewable energy sources (solar thermal, heat pumps, photovoltaics, etc.). Efforts are also being made to improve the energy efficiency of heating systems.