• Dunkelstrahler ECO MONDIA GoGaS


Dark radiator


Technical data

Wavelength: 3,3 - 5 µm
Max. radiator temperature: 600 °C
Max. thermal surface load: 17 kW/m²
Connected load: max. 70 kW

The range of long-wave radiators includes dark radiators. These work with a gas burner that generates a soft, elongated flame that is channelled into special radiant tubes. Long-wave IR radiation is generated by heat transfer from the flame and the hot combustion gases to the pipe surface. The combustion gases can be discharged in a targeted manner without coming into contact with the product or the process area.

The emitter delivers heat with a uniformly low intensity. A wide range of materials absorb this long-wave energy homogeneously well. The risk of overheating is minimised.

The special features of the spotlight are

  • its versatility
  • its controlled expansion when exposed to heat
  • its low weight
  • its compact and robust design

Field of application

  • Paint drying
  • Powder coating gelation
  • Heating and thawing processes